
Join the Iowa League of Cities on Friday, June 14 at Otter Creek Golf Course in Ankeny for the sixth annual Iowa League of Cities Golf Tourney, a fundraiser for the Tim Shields Endowment Fund. 

Upcoming Webinars:

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Latest issues impacting cities.

Keeping track of the due dates, reports and filings can be a lot. The League has put together the 2024 City Calendar, which details important deadlines for reports and filings that cities must complete throughout the year.

Iowa And Usa Flag On Flagpole. Usa And Iowa Mixed Flag Waving In

The League is developing information on HF 718 with updates from 2024 passage of SF 2442.

Find the latest information on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

SimpliCity is a communications campaign created by the Iowa League of Cities to help you empower residents to find the information they’re looking for, engage with their community, and rekindle their love for your city

League Weekly News

Hot topics from Tuesday’s League Weekly newsletter.

Registration is open for the League’s Nuisance Abatement Conference, which will be held May 23 at the Kent Campus Center at Simpson College. This…

Please send us your photos for the League’s Annual Calendar. We’d love to highlight your city’s best features, whether that’s a library,…

May’s statewide meeting is a legislative wrap-up from our Government Affairs Manager, Daniel Stalder. Join the discussion on all the relevant legislative…

Listen to Our Podcast

The Iowa League of Cities regularly releases podcasts and updates Facebook to keep city officials informed.

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The Iowa League of Cities serves as the unified voice of cities, providing advocacy, training and guidance to strengthen Iowa’s communities.

Legislative Outreach

League Advocacy

Through legislative advocacy, one of our core values, the League continues to ensure cities can grow, thrive and make decisions to help their communities.

Visit our Legislative Pages Get Legislative Link
League Legislative Values

The League’s legislative values are the cornerstone around which our legislative strategy is built around.

See our Legislative Values

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The League provides several different resources to help your city.

Published April 12, 2024

We asked our members about the League’s services, check out their responses in our membership survey.

Published April 12, 2024

Property taxes play a significant role in municipal government as the primary funding source for city budgets. Check out a variety of special reports regarding this topic.

Published November 7, 2023

This publication is designed to assist cities begin their annual budget process. Learn about revenues, expenditures, legislation and other budget issues.

IOWA League
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